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1 Sezonul 1 Episodul

Episode 1


Nemo and his fellow prisoners at the penal colony in Kalpani are forced to build a giant submarine – the Nautilus. As soon as it is ready, Nemo and his confidants plan to escape using the submarine. But when Director Crawley of the ruthless East India Trading Company arrives and demands that the Nautilus be immediately moved to Bombay to be outfitted, Nemo is forced to advance his plans, with whomever he can gather for a crew.

2 comentarii

  • Salutare, guest
  • Mizerie ! Chiar de la inceput...Se sterg cu MARELE JULES VERNE LA C...R !Nautilus este realizarea englezilor ! Singurul lucru bun este "pontul" dat in inchisoare, cand se foloseste limba afgana...Da! Desi Jules Verne doar sugereaza , Nemo era afgan! De ce ? In acel timp, India fusese pusa in genunchi de englezi...Astia facusera ca marile caste indiene sa lupte una cu alta si distrusesera deja India.Doar NORDUL RAVNIT DE INDIA era de nesupus. Isi batuse joc de britanici de nenumarate ori...armate britanico-hinduse distruse, baze britanice reduse in pulbere, tentative de atac cu rezultate dezastruase. Evident ca Jules Verne, un francez ce uraste britanicii avea sa plaseze eroul sau in tara care isi batea joc de " maretia" britanica...