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5 Sezonul 2 Episodul

Redux II (3)


The Cigarette-Smoking Man helps Mulder to obtain Scully’s cure and also lets him see his real sister who doesn’t turn out to be as happy to see Mulder as he would’ve liked. In return for this, the Cigarette-Smoking Man asks that Mulder quit the FBI and work for him in the Syndicate where he could have power and respect which Mulder turns down, deciding to stay on the side of justice. While Scully’s cure appears to have worked, the Cigarette-Smoking Man faces his own enemies and disappears, presumed dead.

Un comentariu

  • Salutare, guest
  • Pe la sfarsitul sezonului 4 am parasit acest serial deoarece mi se parea plictisitor si ma saturasem de el, dar privind aceste 3 episoade trebuie sa zic ca serialul este intr-adevar o capodopera, nu regret nimic din decizia mea de a-l privi mai departe in special pe acest timp de carantina